Mickey Sousa’s Energineers
Today was the big day! I’ve been so excited to meet Mickey Sousa, founder of Energineers. She comes highly recommended from many different sources as a certified Home Energy Rater who can not only give you a HERS Energy Index, but she goes above and beyond to do a full energy analysis. The mission of Energineers is to use data to identify the most practical upgrades that will lower monthly energy bills, reduce emissions, and assist the community we live in as environmental conservation soldiers. She’s here to help us figure out which upgrades qualify for rebates and how to get them, plus how to lower our energy demand. The sequencing of the upgrades is important, and Mickey can help with that as well.
Her thermal mapping showed that there is limited insulation in the walls, particularly the back section of the house that was built in the 1950s. The purple section in the photo is cold air coming through the back wall of the house. The insulation in the crawl space was pretty good, but while there is insulation in the attic, it could definitely be improved.
The Blower Door Test helps determine the air tightness of the house. It’s an important metric for getting rebates, as you have to demonstrate that your energy improvements increased the efficiency of your house. Our score was 2906 CFM. I’ll have to talk to Mickey to find out what that means!