The Hundredth Birthday Project
The hundredth birthday project is Lucinda’s five year plan to make her San Rafael bungalow eligible for green certification by the time the house is 100 years old in 2024.
In keeping with the motto to “think globally, act locally,” making our tiny piece of the planet as green and sustainable as possible is critical as we all face the realities of a changing climate.
As a Green Realtor, making these changes to her own home allows Lucinda to become the best possible resource for her clients. She’s researched the options, found the rebates, and carefully considered green upgrades to not only make her home more comfortable, healthy and energy efficient, but more valuable too. She can help buyers, owners and sellers do the same thing. Here’s to a greener world, one step at a time!
This was a year for design and planning. Step one: a new front door! This solid wood door is far more air tight and secure, plus the design looks great and fits the neighborhood. We also took out an old concrete patio, replacing it with pavers spaced out with water permeable plantings. We added some raised planter beds for organic veggie gardens. All of the landscaping is on timed drip irrigation, reducing the need for water. New ceiling fans in the family room and primary bedroom were a lifesaver!
We updated the main bathroom, reclaiming some space that had been enclosed during a previous remodel. Plumbing throughout our house was upgraded from galvanized metal to copper. Upgrading the heating system to an electric heat pump will have to wait, but electric radiant heat was added to the previously unheated bathroom, while a moisture-sensing high efficiency fan will improve indoor air quality.
We started with a full energy assessment with Mickey Sousa of Energineers. Her recommendations included air sealing the attic, and adding wall, attic and crawl space insulation. All of the windows and the back door were replaced with energy efficient versions, custom built to match the existing ones. Enough solar panels were installed to power the whole house plus an electric car. Luckily, the new credits available thanks to Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act will kick in just in time!
This year we focused on fire safety by removing some trees that were too close to the house, replacing them with a 3 foot-wide gravel pathway, and planting climbing roses to grow along an adjacent fence. We also removed some rosemary bushes that were planted along the foundation. We replaced our gas range with a Bosch induction one and upgraded our electrical system for both the new range and a high speed EV charger for our new RAV4 plug in hybrid.
The 100th Birthday is here! Over the past 5 years we have weighed the pros and cons of installing a high efficiency heat pump. There are many pros, including significant rebates, but the gas furnace is relatively new. Instead of replacing it right away we decided to install the heat pump in a detached building that we use as an office/music studio. It’s already making a huge difference, both in our electrical use and much improved comfort.
Now for the big news! We are now Pearl Gold + Solar certified! Pearl is a national program in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Energy Star, the REach program of the National Association of Realtors, the national Appraisal Institute, and BPI, the national Building Performance Institute. The purpose of the certification is to allow buyers and property appraisers a way to quantify how green and energy efficient upgrades increase the value of a home. The certification package includes the Appraisal Institute’s Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum which can increase a home’s value by 3 - 9%. It provides an easy way for future owners to understand the high performing aspects of our home and have the comfort of third party verification that this home is healthier, more comfortable, cleaner, quieter and will cost less to operate than similar homes.
The 100th Birthday Project has been selected to be on the 2024 Marin Green Home Tour on October 24th from 6 - 8 PM. This free virtual tour will allow you to see a video walk through of the green and high efficiency features of our home plus several others, then a live Q & A with with the homeowners and other leaders in the residential green community. Click the button below to register. I hope to see you there!
Before starting the 100th Birthday Project, in the fall of 2019 Lucinda gave a talk at Tiny Talks Mill Valley on the Green Point Rating System developed by Build It Green of California.
Using her own San Rafael bungalow, Lucinda explores how older homes can qualify for the rating, and discovers what she can do to make her home healthier, more energy efficient and better for the planet.
Looking for more info? Here’s the Green Point Rated Checklist where you can see the point categories and rate your own home.
You might be more green than you think!
If you’re looking to get started with some home upgrades, Here are some good places to check out.
Marin County Sustainability Programs for Residents
San Francisco Rebates for Energy Efficient Upgrades
Want to live more sustainably? Click the links below to see video tours of green homes in the local community and learn about the many resources available .